Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cold but Fun!

We packed the family in the van and headed out for the bottle drive. We had very good intentions of doing our whole subdivision in one night. Afterall, there are only 7 streets! was cold, blistery and slippery and we only finished 3 streets in 1 1/2 hours. Phew! We recruited a friend of Caleb and Dylan's and he was a great helper. We handed out little business cards to let people know why we were collecting bottles. It was pretty fun but after about an hour the kids were ready to go home. We haven't taken the bottles in yet but I'll post when I know how much we made.

I hope this picture isn't a look into our future!

The Navigators!

Getting warmed up!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hey Tam, Welcome to blog world! I will add you to my side bar on mine. I know in my heart this won't take long to raise the money needed to send to the orphanage. I love your heart and I think what you are doing is wonderful. Best of luck !
Your in our prayers.
Deb Gallant