Friday, June 1, 2007

A new day for Fenghuangyuan!

These pictures are taken from other orphanages where Love Without Boundaries ( has put in playgrounds. The one we put in at the Fenghuangyuan orphanage will be quite similar. It looks so fun!

We are getting the plans for the new playground at the Fenghuangyuan orphanage going much sooner than we'd planned! We have contacted a Chinese company (thanks to Love Without Boundaries!) who has some beautiful playground equipment they will install for us. We are going through some of the pieces and we will let Director Lei have the final say on what she would like for the orphanage.
I am hoping to travel to China in the near future. I cannot wait to visit China again and I hope we can spend a few day visiting the orphanage and loving the children there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tammy, what a happy day it will be when those children are able to play outside on a play stucture! It is so exciting that all the money you needed was raised at the Carnival. Way to go!